Worship at Waypoint
Our community gathers together in person and on livestream for worship every Sunday. Services last around an hour and include a time of musical worship, prayer, teaching, and sharing.
Even though service begins at 10:00 a.m., you may enjoy arriving a few minutes early to enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation and perhaps make a new friend.
What to wear? Dress in whatever makes you comfortable. You’ll see everything from jackets to jeans on Sundays.
Sunday morning information:
Join us in Belk Chapel at 10 a.m.
2287 Radcliffe Ave., Charlotte, NC 28209
Come early for coffee in the chapel atrium. Dress comfortably.
Enjoy free coffee and doughnuts each week!
Worship guides are available as you enter the chapel atrium.
Park in the lot on Radcliffe across from Belk Chapel. You can also park on the street on Selwyn (P2 on the map above) and a few spots on Radcliffe (P3).
Is this your first time checking out or attending Waypoint? We’d love to help get you informed and connected! Click here to go to the “first timers” page.
Basecamp is open for infants through 3rd graders. Check-in is in the Rogers Building — which is across the courtyard from the chapel. 4th & 5th graders attend the service.