In Our World
God has called us to take the gospel to the entire world, and most often that begins with relationships. We are committed to equipping Waypointers to follow their heart and God’s call to “go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19). That said, at Waypoint our goal is not to guilt you into another church event or trip, but to give you opportunities to live the Gospel daily.
If there is a mission on your heart you would like for Waypoint to financially support, please fill out this Benevolence Request Form. Please contact us for more information if there is a mission or a project on your heart. As an equipping church, our general rule is that we support missions and ministries in which at least two Waypointers are involved.
Ministry Partners
Friends of Chimbote is a faith-based organization dedicated to thousands of men, women, and children living in the barrios of Chimbote, Peru who are desperate for a life without suffering in extreme poverty. Many live in shacks pieced together from woven reeds and cardboard, having floors of compacted dirt with no electricity, running water, or sewers. Amid this despair is a place where the hungry are fed, where families can feel safe, where children can get an education, where the sick receive the medical care they need, and lives are transformed. This is the Friends of Chimbote mission.
Atulado means “By Your Side” and we stand ready to support those who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and disciple His followers.
Atulado Ministries supports the leadership of the Church in Cuba as they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and provide resources to their communities. Some of the resources they have delivered include reading glasses, blood pressure cuffs, Bible study materials, and more.
On their mission trips they have two goals; deliver resources and simply “Be”. Be there to encourage those you meet, be there to listen to those eager to tell their stories, and be there to pray with those we encounter.
Hope is a worshipping community where skeptics, believers, the unchurched, dechurched, the busy and stressed, and the spiritually curious can find a place to explore faith, find belonging, and experience the hope of Jesus Christ.