What We Believe
Our Five Guardrails
There are five old Latin phrases that provide guardrails for our beliefs as part of the reformed tradition. As we get our bearings for this journey called life, these set the course for us by starting with God, focusing on Jesus, living according to Scripture, standing on faith, and receiving God’s grace.
Sola Deo (God Alone)
We believe in the sovereignty of God.
That means we believe that God is in complete control of our world and our lives. He created us, and He gives us meaning and purpose for this journey called life.
Therefore, we belong to Him; He does not belong to us.
Solus Christus (Christ Alone)
We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
That means we believe that Jesus Christ is the full and perfect revelation of God and humanity. The only way to know who God is and who we are is by looking at Jesus Christ.
Therefore, Christ is at the center of all we do, and we seek to follow Him.
Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone)
We believe in the infallibility of Scripture.
That means we believe that Scripture is trustworthy and will not fail or lead us astray. By allowing Scripture to inform our understanding of God in our world, we discover the true story of God’s redeeming love.
Therefore, we engage Scripture — hungry to be convicted, encouraged, and comforted.
Sola Fide (Faith Alone)
We believe that we are justified by faith alone.
That means we believe that the work of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and being bodily resurrected paid for all our sins in order that we may be restored to right relationship with God and our world.
Therefore, we do not have to earn God’s love; rather, we are free to live out God’s love so that others might see Him.
Sola Gratia (Grace Alone)
We believe that we are sinners saved by grace.
That means we believe that we are broken people who often miss God’s plan for our lives. We realize that God’s love is unmerited, gracious, and abundant — transforming our lives with new mercies each day.
Therefore, grace gives us confidence that God loves us, Christ is with us, and the Holy Spirit will change us to live lives worthy of the Gospel.
Our Mission
Equipping people for life with Christ through community
Our Core Values
In a shifting world, we need a firm foundation to stand. Waypoint is about rooting ourselves Biblically in order to learn about Jesus Christ.
We all want to be known. Waypoint is about cultivating true relationships through a shared mission to learn, equip and serve.
Infatuated with entertainment, we neglect our heart’s desire to worship. Waypoint is about growing in praise, prayer, and encouragement in order to be equipped in our faith.
In an overburdened life, faith has become just another task to complete. Waypoint is about the fruitfulness of the Gospel giving meaning to our ordinary lives.
Our Denomination
Waypoint is part of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.
As an ECO church, we hold to the Essential Tenets & the Book of Confessions as explanations of what we believe — shaping all of the aspects of the church including infant baptism, women’s leadership, human sexuality, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.